Airline Catering Changes with Sunbul Dubuni, LSG Group

We recently had the chance to interview Sunbul Dubuni, Director Customer Insight at LSG Group, about the changing face of airline catering, from reducing food waste to the next big culinary trend onboard.

Sunbul has worked as a brand consultant and strategic planner for many international advertising and PR agencies with global food & healthcare brands. Within these roles, she was responsible for gaining consumer and market insights. She joined LSG Group 12 years ago as the Head of Product Management where she was responsible for the development of meal concepts on Lufthansa’s continental flights. After three years, she joined the Customer Concept department to complement the team in the areas of customer and consumer insights as well as global trends.

Sunbul is passionate about people, travelling and food. For her, food is one of the main elements that reflect the inner soul of a culture, be it a society or a brand. Watch the full interview below:

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World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo (WTCE) is the leading global event for travel catering, onboard retail and passenger comfort. WTCE is renowned globally for providing a platform for innovative suppliers to showcase the latest products and services in passenger comfort, catering and travel retail to help create the ultimate passenger experience.

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