Cabin Catch Up: SkyTender Solutions

Welcome back to our Cabin Catch Up series, where we interview people and companies within the onboard services industry and travel catering industry.

This week we are joined by Wolfgang von Krogh, CEO, SkyTender Solutions. Their innovative, modular and highly customisable platform brings excellent sustainable & efficient beverage experience in a fast travelling world, to both aviation and rail travel.

Read on to find out how they responded to the challenges of 2020 and what they’re looking forward to in 2021:

What became the top priority for your business in 2020?

First and foremost, securing the business and safety of our staff and secondly, having to postpone key business activities while still keeping in touch to share the burden of uncertainty and jointly prepare for a life after COVID. In short: Reset, Resilience and Reconnect.

Did your business transition to working from home and have you returned to the office?

We are quite accustomed to working remotely and technology of today enables us to be more flexible as ever before, so we embraced the new way of working and kept meeting face-to-face for essential meetings, mainly for our R&D team, working on new developments.

SkyTender has partnerships with major brands.

How have your conversations with customers changed and did new business ideas arise during this time?

We are in this together and have to be sensitive of the financial impact COVID has had on the industry. Therefore, we re-modelled our commercial offering to include a Cap-ex free/profit sharing model. We believe in what we do and are willing to share the risk with our partners.

The saying “necessity is the mother of invention”, holds true in these changing times. Sustainability, Digital Services, Waste Management and Hygiene are some of the factors which have more focus than ever before. Fortunately, these are the sectors on which we had already placed our focus before COVID. We welcome the new readiness of the industry to embrace these innovative solutions.

What do you think is the key priority for the onboard services market over the coming years?

The priority will be to offer an innovative level of service to enrich passenger experience, with a strong focus on sustainability, cost efficiencies, hygiene and digitalisation of services.

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World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo (WTCE) is the leading global event for travel catering, onboard retail and passenger comfort. WTCE is renowned globally for providing a platform for innovative suppliers to showcase the latest products and services in passenger comfort, catering and travel retail to help create the ultimate passenger experience.